非常适合动物爱好者, How to Heal a Gryphon by Meg Cannistra puts a magical spin on veterinarians and showcases a plump witch with spunk and sass. Giada Bellantuonos今年12岁, and on her thirteenth birthday, she is expected to take the oath to become a guaritrice and to join the family business. These guardians of the people use their power to strengthen people. However, the family business is not Giada’s dream. She has lived in the shadow of her famous brother Rocco, and wants her own identity as a famous fixer. Rather than heal people, she wishes instead to honor Diana, goddess of wild阅读更多→

Shaheer Atique is afraid of getting attached to a place because it always ends up in the rearview mirror. His highly talented and ambitious father chases hospital jobs, so Shaheer and his grandfather are always on the move. The trio’s latest stop is Virginia. When quiet and withdrawn Shaheer attends the first day of eighth grade, he encounters several people who tease him, 嘲笑他的头发, 哪个“一定是假发”.” Before long, he realizes he is a doppelgänger for Ashar Malik, a defense man on the hockey team. Ashar’s dream is to use his position on The Husky Bladers to get noticed and阅读更多→

Don’t open Nadine Brandes’ newest book, Wishtress unless you’re prepared to perform some deep philosophical thinking. Brandes takes her readers on a journey with Myrthe Valling and Bastiaan Duur, one that invites reflection and soul-searching while also testing convictions. When Myrthe cries at age twelve, she learns—with dire consequences—that she is the Wishtress and that each tear she cries has the power to grant a wish. Her oma has known of her granddaughter’s power but has manipulated and oppressed her, using Myrthe as a commodity for personal gain. Myrthe would like to see her power used for social good: wishing for people to have food,阅读更多→

Blackout is a book told in ten chapters about Black youth who experience New York when the lights go out. Written during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the world itself paused and made us all feel like we were in a metaphorical blackout, this novel captures the stories of various teens who are fumbling around in the dark, 试着理解爱. Dhonielle克莱顿, 安吉托马斯, 蒂芙尼杰克逊, 网卡的石头, 阿什利Woodfolk, and Nicola Yoon collaborate to shed some light on this emotionally charged topic and to give readers some clarity about navigating their own love stories. From the various characters, readers will learn阅读更多→

Written in a fashion similar to that of a fractured fairy tale, Pride and Premeditation is a tongue-in-cheek retelling of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Although Tirzah Price employs many of the same characters and even opens with a play on Austen’s original line, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a brilliant idea, conceived and executed by a clever young woman, 必须由一个人来要求”(1), 她有其他的自由. While Price makes an effort to stay true to the etiquette and customs of the early nineteenth century, Lizzie Bennet’s ambitions to become a barrister—or even a solicitor—would have been out of阅读更多→

以苏格兰为背景, Sasha Alberg的《welcome皇冠地址》 tells the story of Klara Spalding and Callum Drummond who are from different times—Callum from 1568; Klara from the present. After saving Callum from death in the Elder Forest, Klara discovers that he is a time-traveler whose best friend was murdered in cold blood by what appeared to be a supernatural entity. Being rooted to empirical observation and the scientific method, 克拉拉相信科学, so the whole notion of time travel puzzles and confuses her. “The beauty and mystery of the universe had always been 更多的 than enough magic for her” (91). Now, Klara is confronted with阅读更多→

Set in London in 1963, Wildoak by C.C. 哈林顿 features eleven-year-old Margaret Stephens. 玛吉口吃, but not whenever she speaks to her pet mouse Wellington or to the injured dove Flute whose wing she has wrapped for healing or to the two snails, 喷火战斗机和飓风, whom she has rescued from the garden. Still, it’s not her gifts that she sees. Maggie sees herself as broken, a child that doesn’t work properly. Some of these fears derive from people’s reactions to her blocking and her inability to get the words out. Her father even threatens to send her to Granville, a special school where rumor阅读更多→